Tuesday 5 April 2011

Planning for Video.

I am now going to begin the planning stage for my final video. In this stage I need to:

- choose an 'artist', someone who is comfortable in front of the camera, as can act a strong, independent female image on screen, I am going to find several people that I think would be appropriate and then decide who I am gong to use.

- choose locations to film my video at, these need to fit with the vintage 'timeless' conventions of the Indie genre and be places where filming is allowed to take place.

- do a health and safety risk assessment to ensure my filming runs smoothly and effectively.

- construct an image for the artist through the use of mise-en-scene and dress code. I have studied dress code in depth, so am confident that I can construct an authentic looking artist to suit the style of the song.

- arrange filming dates with my artist, and prepare all costume, props and equipment needed.

- complete a storyboard with ideas of shots for the entirety of the video, taking the lyrics into account as I do so. One thing that I learnt from my original coursework, is that sticking exactly to the planned storyboard is not always possible, as it isn't until you have the raw footage that you can exactly select the shots you are going to use, as sometimes the lip syncing, camera angle/movement, facial expression,  or lighting isn't as you imagined/high enough quality or does not fit the overall look you are going for.

- using the lyrics as a basis, construct a story or plot to run through my video in the narrative aspect.

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